Tron SART20 with Bulkhead Bracket

Tron SART-20 Radar Transponder with Bulkhead Bracket | Part Number: 83010


  • Designed for use in search and rescue operations
  • Gives the exact location of the distressed on the radar X-band display
  • Non-hazardous battery
  • Compatibility Treon SART20 uses the same accessories as Tron SART-AIS: Bulkhead bracket, pole, life-boat bracket and neoprene protection bag
  • 5 Year Warranty

Jotron has been a global leader in producing SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponders) for several years. The Tron SART20 is designed specifically for search and rescue operations, providing precise location details on the radar X-band display for nearby ships, SAR vessels, and aircraft.

The Tron SART20 9 GHz radar transponder meets IMO/SOLAS/GMDSS requirements and is approved by both MED and FCC.

Both the Tron SART20 and Tron AIS-SART are recognized as “search and rescue locating devices” under IMO SOLAS Resolution MSC.256(84), allowing ship owners to select either product in compliance with SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 2.2.

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